Monthly Archives: July 2009

Full Circle.


We make a living by what we get, we
make a life by what we give. — Winston Churchill

There are so many things in life that happen to us . We push through hardships, keep doing and giving . Some I know do so giving up so many things. Some give up so more then things.
 I know to that all things happen for a reason. Not that the reasons are ever easy. Life sometimes hits us in the gut. But then miracles happen ones that touch us so deeply its amazing.

All I know is when your a giving person and you do good no matter what… It comes back to us and it has to a family I know tonight. 

Sometimes life goes full circle we make through the hardships to this place of which is nothing more then a blessing. I can’t explain it any better then that. It just happens.

Always , always Hope.



There are so many things I could write about today.  The last six weeks or so I have been dealing some sort of eye allergy and that the returning eye infection. Not a fun deal. I was also having some really big issues with my vision. Not a good thing. I also did not feel comfortable to get in the
car and drive.
Thursday I was finally able to pick up my glasses and I am so happy to report there is a huge improvement with this prescription. My right eye has really changed so I was getting some whopper headaches as well as a eye ache. Now my brain is telling me you do not have to compensate anymore.
So far I’m adjusting with just a few tiny problems..YAY!
I have been checked for every eye ailment out there and I am happy to report things like glaucoma, macular degeneration, map dot distrophy, and cateracts all are ruled out. All of which have genetic factors…whew! And due to radiation…and use of predisone due to treatments. I m happy to report no cateracts! ( I could stand driving at night glare and halos were killing me)
So this looks to be an issue partly caused by the radiation,treatments…Oh an throw getting older in there to. LOL But hey I won’t complain about getting older it beats the alturnitiveSmile

Rain here in Michigan….Looks like its moving out and over Lake Erie. Thats a good thing.

Sieze the day.

Always Hope