Monthly Archives: December 2008

Another year on its way out..


Looking over this past year, left me with so many mixed emotions. The
sweet,the sour and all things in between. I realize how much I have
grown. How all of us have grown.

I am so grateful for : My life,
my health, my family,my friends, their life’s and their health. I am
just grateful for everything right now.

So I am looking forward to another year, with an open heart and mind. Looking forward to what 2009 has in store for us.

God Bless all of you with many blessings in 2009

Hugs and prayers , Always Hope

Fast year.



             Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and many blessings from our house to yours.
          I will be around as I am able. I need to remove all my pictures from this computer
          to free up some space. I am running far to slow lately which is really annoying.
          Anyways have a lovely Day. I am off to enjoy Dinner at my Daughter’s.
          Have a great day everyone.
          Always Hope

Don’t worry be happy!


A friend had this video on her website. Lately I have been concerned about a lot of things .Things I don’t put here.
This video set me straight on just how lucky I have it. It also inspires me in so many ways. It made me cry as well.
So get out the Kleenex to you might need it. Talk about a powerful message this young man is sending.

More when I can..Hugs and Prayers Always Hope


Wise Words


Hope is a rare gift, that if we are lucky,comes to us with the power to heal our lifes.
I have  come to know the deepest sense of hope of the springs from the hardest of lessons in life.
Its in the darkest skies that the best stars are seen- perhaps it is divine irony that within the
darkest moments we are capable of revealing the greatest light ,demonstrating , what is best
for humanity.  ~Richard Paul Evans

What’s important in this country?


Wow, it’d really amazing to me how  our Government  willingness to  the nations financial industry.   Then they look at the request from the Detroit Automakers..mainstreet America and it fails in the Senate!
Now I live in Metro Detroit have my whole life. I live a mile from the GM Tech Center. I grew up with Uncles working for GM. My Grandpa was part owner of a Ford Dealership. My Dad worked and retired from Chrysler.
I also worked for Chrysler for summer employment while in college.
I can tell you in this area its huge..its not just one person in the family that works for the Auto Industries its generations of families.
What apalls me the most is that there was no question on what the financial Industry did or what the workers made or got from it. Man did they grill the auto workers this week. They would clear one thing up and find something else to grill them on.
AIG and the extras…retention pay….no one is stopping them or asking questions.
As I drove past the unemployment office to day the line was out the door. Yup you read that right. So is all this going to make it better..No its sure not.
Our President said he would step in. I don’t buy it! Using the Tarp…I don’t buy it. No time line ….while Michigan and its people are in a holding pattern.

Its just all wrong, but why am not surprised by any or it.

Political agenda…I think so.



Well it sure looks a lot like winter here. With the weekends snow and this cold weather. Here we are babysitting again. Sleeping beauty is sound asleep. So a bit of a break to start out with.
Taking pictures of her last week I spotted teeth not in front but in the back. Mom and Dad notice them as well with the big gummy grins and her laughing.
She is feeling better. Thank goodness. However last week we noticed she was happy to just sit and watch Dora and Noogin.She was did eat a whole lot better so that was a good thing to.
So we are waiting to see how her check goes over the next day or so.
Other then being here no plans for the week. Lots to do for the holiday but I really have no time to do it. So I will be happy to just have the family close for Christmas and the tree decorated. The rest is secondary. We have a roof over heads heat water and lights and after seeing the news today in South Africa ,Colerea and not enough food or medicine. I feel so very lucky even in this recession.
That said go out and make it a great day.
Hugs and Prayers Hope

Friday Already!


Bright,crisp and a dusting of snow this morning. I am sitting here trying to get us to this new set up.
On top of that I am on the kids laptop, and I keep forgetting there is no mouse!! Guessing I am old school
and it will take some time to get use to it.
Driving over here is only a few minute drive and I am sitting in their new apartment I could get us to this place really easy. Nice and spacious and much quieter then the old place.
Little one is sleeping in her big girl bed and comfortable.:)
Driving over we were listening to the news and of course its all about the Automotive Bail out. The thing is those who don’t life here don’t realize how Michigan is the background of industry and that extend through
out our country and around our world. Its not about just jobs in Michigan its about jobs in the entire USA.
The people who work for this country…opposing it..are really stupid they don’t even look at in there state how many this will effect.
I am so tired of the politicians who want to be in front of cameras and are evil as heck. They don’t care about every people who work for a living..Why should they it doesn’t affect them.
I would love to ask them one thing..Why do we keep bailing out other countries…and taking care of them. Why not take care of us for a change.
I am sorry for ranting..Last week my Dad stopped in and he worked for Chrysler for fact he retired for a bit and then went back. Now most of his benefits as a retiree are being slowly taken away.
Yes he knows he always had it good. But his dream of making sure he could take care of my Mom and us after he is gone is dwindling very fast..The stock market..though diversified…is crap..Seeing him worry about things he did not have to is rough. I mean hell they even took his life insurance away that he paid into. Seeing him worry about medical when my Mom has so many health issues concerns me. In the past it was not an issue. How is that right?
Then I hear younger ones say oh well they had it made for years.( I have hear it and read about it as well) But who made the industry what it is today but those..who worked for years.Like my Dad did for 35 years or more? He did his job and he is suffering for it now! Retirement is hard enough believe me I know it ..And I don’t have any of the perks he does.But he has always support this family. In the background when there was a need..So in that aspect, his support over the years has been there for us.
I hate to see the younger crowd as a whole thinking he has it made or others like him. Fixed incomes don’t raise but everything else does…that said. Its a biggy.
I know they have to cut back..But the ones in charge have to really see its not only affecting those who work now in the present..but retirees and their families to.
As I told Dad I don’t give a dam about money for us. But I sure as heck worry about the Medical and all of that. Due to parents much can happen when elderly. Being the one who takes care of them when they need the help is a struggle in that I don’t have the assets either if we get in a bind,that’s mind boggling right now.
So about this Buy Out Deal.As I sit here watching homes in our area..forclose, not selling and not worth what what they were in the past..The unemployment in Michigan sky rocketing and lines at Human Resources out the door with people waiting in the cold for assistance.I saw men with signs asking for food and jobs. Its insane to think the USA can survive with out its biggest industry out there.I always thought the Automotive Industry was part of the backbone of this great country. It put Michigan on the map..and lets face where would we be with out it?
I think they are forgetting what happen in 1981 and that recession. Here we are again and again the politicians think its not happening. Go figure. Times are tough but if the buy out don’t happen we are in big trouble. I just at times wonder why people think this only affects three companies it affects all those who produce things for them as well a cross the board. So we really need to wake up on its importance.
Anyways I here Little One waking up so going to get this day on the road..Go out and make it a good one!
Make it a Great Day,Hugs and Prayers Always Hope



Here is what we know so far. Kailah has tested positive for  RSV. Respiratory Syncytical Virus. Which can cause infections in the lungs or bronchial passages.
So the positive test was critically important. Next thing is does her lung x- ray say this virus or actual Pneumonia. So they are having the doctors go over that again this morning.  As well as having an infectious disease doctor give her a look see.
I am waiting for a call back on more info. As we stand she has been on antibiotics a new one. As well as fluids..So we will see what happens. Because she was a preemie born early..they have concerns because she is under the age of 2.
So hopefully we will know more later today.

I pulled this info up from the March of Dimes on RSV. In some kids it would be like a common cold but to those babies who are low birth weight or preemies a much different situation. Please keep her your prayers. Thanks Hope

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) commonly causes infection in
childhood. RSV is very contagious. Almost all babies get it before the
age of 2. Many babies (and most older children) get only a cold from

Some babies with RSV develop potentially serious lower respiratory infections. Examples are:

  • Bronchiolitis, an infection of the small breathing tubes in the lungs
  • Pneumonia

These infections are especially dangerous in babies who were born
prematurely, have lung or heart problems, or have certain other chronic
illnesses. Your baby can get RSV at any time of year, but it is most
common from October to March.

Symptoms of RSV usually last between 8-15 days. Most babies with RSV
do not become seriously ill. But a few become very sick. They may need
to be treated in the hospital with oxygen. In some cases, the baby will
need bronchodilators (drugs that help open up breathing tubes) and
antiviral drugs.

Call your baby’s health care provider right away if your baby:

  • Develops fast breathing or breathing problems
  • Wheezes (makes a whistling sound when exhaling)
  • Develops a worsening cough (Do not give over-the-counter cough and
    cold products to infants and children younger than 2 years of age.
    According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, these medications
    can have serious and life-threatening side effects.)

  • Looks blue around the mouth or fingertips
  • Has difficulty sucking and swallowing
  • Develops any fever of more than 100.4° F in the first 3 months of
    life, 101° F or greater between 3 and 6 months, or 103° F after 6
    months of age

If your baby has RSV, be sure she gets extra rest and drinks lots of
fluids. You also can use a rubber suction bulb to help clear mucus from
your baby’s nose, especially before feedings.

If your baby was born prematurely (too early), or has lung or heart
disease, talk to your health care provider about ways to help prevent

Babies who are at highest risk from RSV (including babies born at or
before 32 weeks of pregnancy) may benefit from medication that helps
prevent the infection. This medication is called palivizumab (Synagis).
It is given in monthly injections during the fall and winter months.
The March of Dimes supports the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines for using this medication.

You can help protect your baby from RSV by:

  • Keeping him away from people who are sneezing or coughing
  • Making sure everyone who touches the baby has clean hands
  • Keeping your baby away from crowds of people
  • Not allowing anyone to smoke near your baby

For more information, visit the RSV protection Web site.

Note: The March of Dimes does not endorse specific brands or products.

July 2006 (R 1-8)